The Social Media Fatigue – Life in the Information Economy

We live in interesting times. Did you know that many people now access their Facebook profile the first thing in the morning and It is difficult to communicate with some people, because they are not social media savvy.

In an interesting info-graphic of a recently published research titled “How Social Media is Ruining Our Minds“, it was observed that, over the course of the last ten years the average attention span has dropped from 12 minutes to a staggeringly short 5 seconds. That’s right! Just 5 seconds! People around the world spend close to 700 billion minutes on Facebook every month, and there handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day on Twitter and 250 million tweets per day (Oct 2011). Those are huge numbers!

In such times, there ought to be better strategies for Social Media engagement for individuals as well as business. Almost as prevalent as blind social media evangelism is the level of fatigue and ennui around it.

Driving social Media or being driven by it ?

Understanding the Why

Information as the building block for Social Media Platforms

In my opinion, one of the key influencers of the Social media phenomenon is around the word Information. In an article first published in 1995, advances in computers and data networks inspire visions of a future “information economy’‘ in which everyone will have access to gigabytes of all kinds of information anywhere and anytime. Ten years from now we may find the economic institutions of the information economy a similarly unremarkable part of our day-to-day life. (The Information Economy: How much will two bits be worth in the digital marketplace? – Hal R. Varian, 1995).

I would like to believe that the Social Media is a direct consequence of this information economy and its main drivers are . . . → Read More: The Social Media Fatigue – Life in the Information Economy

Social Technology Quarterly - Issue 3

Here’s the new issue of the Social Technology Quarterly, published by Kuliza. Features one article by me on ‘The Social Media Fatigue.’

Social technology quarterly Vol 1 issue 3

View more documents from Kuliza Technologies


What to expect in 2012

The year 2012 promises to be very exciting for designers. There has been a lot going on irrespective of what field of design you are in. There are more opportunities to start up due to available Design focused startup funds and Angels who want to invest in Design centric startups. Designers have become one of the most valued and sought after commodity in the Silicon Valley, and the demand is often more than what the Design schools are producing.

The solutions that the designers are now catering to solve include cross platform, experience rich solutions to solutions that have a high social impact. The need of the hour is to become good problem solvers and the gamut or problems that is being addressed by designers independently and also in cross expertise teams, is huge these days.

Here’s an interesting presentation that I recently came across that talks about the 100 things to watch out for in 2012. I am confident that designers would play a significant role in many of them too.

JWT: 100 Things to Watch in 2012

View more presentations from JWTIntelligence